A tousled summer centrepiece with garden roses and clematis with wispy clusters of lilac and smoky mauve.
Rosa ‘Goldfinch’, ‘Buff Beauty’, ‘Julia’ (rose)
Peonia ‘Canary Brilliants’ (Japanese Itoh peony)
Verbascum ‘Southern Charm’ (mullein)
Helianthemum ‘Wisley Pink’ (rock rose)
Hesperis matronalis ‘Dame’s Violet’ (sweet rocket)
Polemonium ‘Kaleidoscope’ (Jacob’s ladder)
Clematis ‘Samaritan Jo’ (clematis)
Ceramic pedestal bowl (Aesme Studio design)
Small scrunch of chicken wire
June is one of the best months for creating soft and ethereal flower arrangements using all the ruffly shapes in bloom now in the garden. I want to make a romantic and shapely centrepiece design in a footed bowl. I choose several blowsy focal flowers which all have interesting nuances in colour and keep these low and close to the opening of the bowl, allowing the smaller, wispier flowers to reach out and up. Julia’s rose is a creamy coffee colour with a glowing honey centre. The intersectional peony - highly fragrant - has a large six-inch face, a froth of stamens and undulating petals that range from cream through pale lemon to coral with streaks of pink. The star-shaped clematis looks almost as though it has been traced with a fine pen along the outline of the silvery petals.
A tip: sear the rock rose and verbascum - they tend to droop once cut.