Battersea Arts Centre wedding

At this magical moment of the year as winter meets spring, we conjured the atmosphere of a rambling Italianate garden on an early spring day, using ceramic and terracotta props, fresh flowering bulbs, spindly branches of delicate blossom, dried grasses and seedpods from the winter garden.

The bride’s bouquet included delicate white Anemone coronaria ‘The Bride’, tulips, Fritillaria meleagris ‘Alba’, golden dried hydrangea and delicate steams of Pittosporum and Potentilla foliage.

Vessels of mixed heights and shapes ran the length of the tables with intricate, gestural designs of anemones, fritillaria and scented tulips in stoneware bottles and ceramic vases.

A large bowl of flowers and foliage for the escort card table - including the first Fritillaria raddeana from the garden. We used a colour palette of cool white, pops of golden yellow and green, with small touches of soft peach and honey hues for added warmth.